Sunday 08.09.2024.
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Dog jokes - Page 2

Why do dogs love redwood trees?

They have the biggest bark.
Why was the dog stealing shingles?

He really wanted to become a woofer!
How are dog catchers in the UK paid?

By the pound.
What makes a businessman different from a hot dog?

The businessman wears a suit, but the dog just pants.
When you cross a dog with a cougar, what do you get?

A lot of trouble with a postman.
What did the man name his two watchdogs?

Rolex and Timex.
I recently planted a pet tree, and it’s like having a pet dog except . . .

The bark is much quieter.
What do you get when you cross a dog and a ballpoint pen?

Ink spots.
When you cross a frog with a dog, what do you get?

A Croaker Spaniel.
What happens if you connect a Corgi to a battery?

You’ll get a short circuit.
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