Monday 16.09.2024.
Fun Encyclopedia Games
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Jokes, quotes, games - Page 122

Why are dogs' barks so loud?

They have built-in sub-woofers.
She believed she could, and she almost did…but then someone asked her repeatedly for a snack, and she lost track of what she was doing.
My kids can never make fun of me for teaching me how to use my phone. I taught them how to use a spoon.
Yo mama is so stupid, she walked into Walgreens and said, "These walls ain't green."
What is a cannibal's favorite food?
Baked Beings.
Yo mamma is so fat she walked past the TV and I missed 3 episodes.
Your mama is so fat that her BMI is measured in acres.
Why did the horse leave the door open? Because he did grow up in a barn!
I lava you a lot.
Why did the horse stay up all night studying for his test? He wanted to get a hay plus!
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