Sunday 08.09.2024.
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PaduServer » EN » Fun » Jokes » Birthday jokes

Birthday jokes - Page 3

What did one candle say to the other?

Don't birthdays just light you up?"
Where do kids get ice cream cakes on their birthday?

At sundae school.
What did the cake say to the birthday girl?

You wanna piece of me?
What should you give a dragon for its birthday?

I’m not sure, but you'd better hope he’ll like it!
What's something you get for your birthday every year, aside from cake and presents?

Another year older.
Why do tennis balls whisper happy birthday to each other?

They don't want to make a racquet.
How can you tell if a birthday cake is sad?

If it's in tiers.
What did one lion say to the other on its birthday?

Yay, it's roar birthday!
Why do all of my relatives keep reminding me how old I am on my birthday?

Because age is a relative thing.
What did the fork ask the sad birthday cake?

"What's eating you up?"
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