Monday 16.09.2024.
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Boyfriend jokes - Page 6

Why did the pig break up with her boyfriend?

He was a boar.
Your boyfriend doesn’t get your fruit puns?

You got to let that mango.
What’s the difference between a toddler and your boyfriend?

I don’t know, do you?
What’s the difference between bleach and fabric softener?

My ex-boyfriend now knows the answer.
As my girlfriend and I prepared for our garage sale, I came across a painting. Looking at the back, I discovered that I had written "To my beautiful girlfriend on our fifth anniversary. I love you. — Keith.”

Feeling nostalgic about a gift I’d given her 25 years earlier, I showed it to her, thinking we should rehang the picture. After gazing at my message for a few seconds, she replied, "You know, I think a black marker would cover over all that so that we could sell it.”
Frightened, he asked me what happened. I told him, "Don’t worry; I gave my heart to you. That’s why it’s missing.”

I wish life had a pause button.
You: "I don’t think we can go in here.”

Him: "Why not?” You: "Look at that sign! *Points to the no-smoking sign* They won’t let you and your smoking hot bod in!”
Boyfriend: "Oh my god, it smells like upsexy in here!”

Girlfriend: "What’s up sexy?” Boyfriend: "Oh nothing much, you?”
You: "There’s something wrong with this dictionary.”

Him: "What is it?” You: "They spelled ‘love’ wrong. It should be L-U-V, because I know I can’t spell love without U!”
Why did the boyfriend give his girlfriend a medieval battle uniform to polish while he went to the bar?

He said she always wanted "a night in, shining armor.”
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