Sunday 08.09.2024.
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Which type of books are the hardest to

Which type of books are the hardest to get through?

Friction books.

More jokes on Science jokes

Since light travels faster than sound …

People may appear bright until you hear them speak.
What do you call it when your science teacher lowers your grade?

What do you call a biologist’s self-portrait?

A cell-fie.
What do phlebotomists say before they take your blood?

B positive!
Why don’t geologists like scary movies?

Because they’re petrified.
Why can you never trust atoms?

They make up everything.
Why is the ocean so salty?

The land never waves back.
What did the scientist say to the chemist whose lab smelled like eggs?

Sorry for your sulfering.
What did the science book say to the math book?

You’ve got problems.
What sound does a subatomic duck make?
