Monday 16.09.2024.
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PaduServer » EN » Fun » Jokes » Boyfriend jokes » You are like dandruff. I just cannot

You are like dandruff. I just cannot

You are like dandruff.

I just cannot get you out of my head no matter how hard I try.

More jokes on Boyfriend jokes

Guess what’s on the menu?

You are just like my car.

You drive me crazy.
What’s the difference between a boyfriend and a condom?

Condoms have changed. They’re no longer thick and insensitive!
Why are boyfriends like parking spaces?

The good ones are already taken!
What is the difference between a bike and a boyfriend?

A bike is first kicked and then used. A boyfriend is first used and then kicked.
Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive, caring, and good-looking?

They already have boyfriends.
How can you tell if your boyfriend is happy?

Who cares?
It was so hot today…

I almost called my ex-boyfriend to be around something shady.
What do you call a man made of garbage?

Your ex-boyfriend.
When would you want a man’s company?

When he owns it!