Monday 16.09.2024.
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Why won’t you ever find a horse using

Why won’t you ever find a horse using an Android phone? They prefer Apples.

More jokes on Horse jokes

Why do most horses look so fit? Because they're on a stable diet.
What did the horse say after she fell over? Help! I've fallen, and I can't giddy-up!
A horse walks into a bar. "Hey,” says the barman. "You read my mind,” says the horse.
Why was the horse sneezing so badly? Hay fever.
Why did the horse stay up all night studying for his test? He wanted to get a hay plus!
Why did the horse cross the road? Someone shouted hay!
What did the mare say to her foal? "Hay, it’s pasture bedtime!”
What do you call a horse who’s not wearing a saddle? Neigh-ked!
What’s the difference between a police horse and a regular horse? The police horse goes, "Neigh-naw-neigh-naw-neigh-naw!”
Why did everyone think the horse had a bad attitude? She kept saying, "Neigh.”