Monday 16.09.2024.
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Which biblical character was the

Which biblical character was the youngest to speak foul language?

Job, because he cursed the day he was born.

More jokes on Bible jokes

How do we know Adam was a Baptist?

Only a Baptist could stand next to a naked woman and be tempted by a piece of fruit.
Who is the biggest sinner in the bible?

Moses, he broke all the commandments at once.
There's a lot of crossover between the Bible and Spongebob?

Both are quite holey.
I think I have a bible fetish.

I just came to that revelation.
A lawyer gets diagnosed with a terminal Illness.

On his deathbed, he asks for a Bible. The hospital staff thinks he has become religious now that his end is near. The doctor notices him going through every line carefully with a grave expression, so he asks, "what are you doing?". The lawyer looks up and replies dryly, "looking for a loophole."
Trying to read multiple versions of The Bible at the same time is really difficult.

You have to do a lot of... cross referencing.
In the bible, Samson was a tough man.

But his father Samsonite was a real hard case.
There are only two instruments mentioned in the Bible.

Trumpets and saxophones when they mention the "wailing of the damned."
The Bible, 5/10.

Too much Worldbuilding.
The Bible has so many fantastic stories.

It's unbelievable!