Monday 16.09.2024.
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What was the little Scottish dog's

What was the little Scottish dog's reaction when he first saw the Loch Ness Monster?

He was Terrier-fied.

More jokes on Dog jokes

What do dogs get after they graduate from obedience school?

Their masters.
What is a deadly creature that looks like a dog, eats dog food, lives in a doghouse, and consumes dog food?

A dog with a machete.
hen you cross an aggressive dog with a computer, what do you get?

A lot of bites.
I recently planted a pet tree, and it’s like having a pet dog except . . .

The bark is much quieter.
How are dog catchers in the UK paid?

By the pound.
Why didn't the dog want to play football?

It was a Boxer.
Why do dogs bury their bones in the ground?

Because they can't be buried in trees!
In English class, why do dogs like conjunctions?

Because dogs love buts.
What do a dog and a marine biologist have in common?

One wags a tail, and the other tags a whale.
Which dog breed is Dracula's favorite?
