Monday 16.09.2024.
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How did Jacob cheer on his

How did Jacob cheer on his grandson?

"You’re the Manasseh!”

More jokes on Bible jokes

Why did Samson try to avoid arguing with Delilah?

He didn’t want to split hairs.
What do you call person who's read every word of the Bible cover to cover twice?

An atheist.
Is baseball mentioned in the bible?


In the "big inning."
Do priests who do mass without a bible...

Doing it priestyle?
My uncle got shot by a stray bullet. By some miracle, he had a bible in his jacket pocket.

So he had something to read as he bled to death.
The Bible is not a very good book.

But Noah’s arc was flooded with good story.
How is number π like the Bible?

Both are believed to contain all the wisdom mankind will ever have. Most people think that one of them has a proven value. While the other is irrational.
I went to Hell for burning a Bible and shooting up the ashes with a syringe.

I guess I shouldn't have taken the Lord's name in vein.
I started a new job and was handed a book.

"What's this?" I asked.

"This is our work bible" replied the manager.

"Why call it a Bible?"

"Because it's written by man and it's full of errors."
Did you hear about the the evangelical atheist?

She went door to door with a book full of blank pages.