Monday 16.09.2024.
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Have you heard the story about the

Have you heard the story about the runaway horse? It’s a terrible tale of WHOA!

More jokes on Horse jokes

Why do cowboys ride horses? Because they're too heavy to carry.
Why did the horse get offended by his therapist? He asked, "Why the long face?”
Where do horses go when they’re sick? The horse-pital.
What do you call a horse who’s a world traveler? A globe-trotter.
How much money does a bronco have? A buck.
Why won’t you ever find a horse using an Android phone? They prefer Apples.
Why do most horses look so fit? Because they're on a stable diet.
What did the horse say after she fell over? Help! I've fallen, and I can't giddy-up!
A horse walks into a bar. "Hey,” says the barman. "You read my mind,” says the horse.
Why was the horse sneezing so badly? Hay fever.