Sunday 08.09.2024.
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PaduServer » EN » Fun » Jokes » Yo mama jokes » Yo momma's so fat, she played the role

Yo momma's so fat, she played the role

Yo momma's so fat, she played the role of the boulder in the first Indiana Jones movie.

More jokes on Yo mama jokes

Yo mama so stupid, she went to the eye doctor to get an iPhone.
Yo mama so fat, when she sweats she causes a tsunami.
Yo momma's so stupid she thought Taco Bell was the Mexican phone company.
Yo mamma is so ugly, when she brought a pig into Walmart, the manager said, "Get that pig out of here," and the pig said, "Sorry, it won't happen again!"
Yo Momma's so poor I stepped in a puddle, and her head popped out and said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOINF IN MY BATHTUB!?"
Yo momma so fat her favorite food is seconds.
Yo momma's so fat she puts a cup of water in the bathtub and it still overflows!
Yo mama so fat she fell in love and broke it.
Yo mama so ugly that her pillows cry.
Yo mama is so stupid, she walked into Walgreens and said, "These walls ain't green."