Sunday 08.09.2024.
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Why wasn't the geometry teacher at

Why wasn't the geometry teacher at school?

Because she sprained her angle!

More jokes on Math jokes

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To Times Square!
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You go to the corner because it’s always 90 degrees.
What did the calculator say to the student?

You can always count on me.
What do you call a teapot of boiling water on top of Mount Everest?

A high-pot-in-use.
What do you call friends who love math?

I met a math teacher who had 12 children.

She really knows how to multiply!
What do you call people who like tractors?

You should never start a conversation with Pi.

It’ll just go on forever.
Why is it sad that parallel lines have so much in common?

Because they’ll never meet.
What is a bird’s favorite type of math?
