Sunday 08.09.2024.
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What is Moby Dick's favorite way to

What is Moby Dick's favorite way to celebrate his birthday?

By having a whale of a party.

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When you and your teeth don’t sleep together.
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Yay, it's roar birthday!
What is a bee's favorite day of the year?

It's bee-day!
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Thanks, I really appreciate the jester.
Where can you find the best birthday present ideas for cats?

In cat-alogues.
What kind of birthday cake should you get a coffee lover?

A choco-latte cake.
What will happen if you invite a thief to your birthday party?

They will take the cake!
What do cows sing at birthday parties?

"Happy Birthday to mooooo!"
What did one frog say to the other on its birthday?

"Hope your birthday is toad-ally awesome!"
What food can someone blow on, but everyone still wants to eat?

A birthday cake.