Monday 16.09.2024.
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Why you can’t trust a taco chef?

Why you can’t trust a taco chef? Because they will spill the beans

More jokes on Mexican jokes

What is the Mexicans favorite 90s band? Red hot chili peppers
What’s the difference between American hot dogs and Mexicans? Americans make hot dogs, Mexicans chili dogs
Why don’t Mexicans like high places? They have vertaco
Two Mexicans are hiding a dead body when they find that place is already used. One of them finds another spot "We should burrito-ver there”.
Name three Mexican bands: Juan Direction, Red Hot Chili Peppers, twenty Juan pilots
What is the name of the Mexican Mac&cheese version? Mac&Chili
Best Mexican Dj: Avichili
At what sport are Mexicans best? Border crossing
What is the name of Nintendo’s Animal Crossing in Mexico? Border Crossing
The best pop girl group song in Mexico is "Tijuana be my lover” by the Spice Girls