Monday 16.09.2024.
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"What did the janitor say when he

"What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?" "Supplies!"

More jokes on Dad Jokes

"Have you heard about the chocolate record player? It sounds pretty sweet."
"What did the ocean say to the beach?" "Nothing, it just waved."
"Why do seagulls fly over the ocean?" "Because if they flew over the bay, we'd call them bagels."
"I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don't know y."
"How does the moon cut his hair?" "Eclipse it."
"What did one wall say to the other?" "I'll meet you at the corner."
"What did the zero say to the eight?" "That belt looks good on you."
"A skeleton walks into a bar and says, 'Hey, bartender. I'll have one beer and a mop.'"
"Where do fruits go on vacation?" "Pear-is!"
"I asked my dog what's two minus two. He said nothing."