Sunday 08.09.2024.
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I’m decided to visit Mexico before I

I’m decided to visit Mexico before I die. I’ll go Juan way or another

More jokes on Mexican jokes

The best Mexican characters in Star Wars were Juan Solo and Obi Juan Kenobi
Top Juan Direction songs include: Another Juan bites the dust, Somejuan like you, Taco chance on me, …Baby Juan more time, Somejuan you loved, and Juan way or another
A Mexican thinks his wife has an affair but she says he is the only Juan.
I visited my Mexican friend but when I knocked on the door it seemed there was no Juan there
They are looking for a Mexican actor. The post says "AnyJuan interested come to the audition this Monday”
There is a Mexican party. EveryJuan will be there.
That Mexican movie es Juanderful
The best part of the Mexican zoo were the penJuans
This Mexican guy won’t stop talking to me. I said "I’m nacho friend” but he doesn’t taco seriously
This Mexican place is awesome. It’s nachos another restaurant.