Sunday 08.09.2024.
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Did you hear about the guy who got hit

Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda?

He was lucky it was a soft drink!

More jokes on Pun jokes

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What did the hamburger name its baby?

One lung said to another, "we be-lung together!”
I asked a Frenchman if he played video games. He said Wii.
Why are frogs so happy?

They eat whatever bugs them.
What did the duck say when she purchased new lipstick?

Put it on my bill!
My parents said I can't drink coffee anymore.

Or else they'll ground me!
What did syrup to the waffle?

I love you a waffle lot!
My wife refuses to go to a nude beach with me. I think she's just being clothes-minded!