Monday 16.09.2024.
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Boyfriend moving in… Him: "Can I set

Boyfriend moving in…

Him: "Can I set up a cloning machine in the basement?” Me: "Sure, make yourself at home.”

More jokes on Boyfriend jokes

Why did the pig break up with her boyfriend?

He was a boar.
My boyfriend broke up with me because I reference Linkin Park too much.

But in the end, it didn’t even matter.
What did the melon say when her boyfriend proposed?

Yes, but we cantaloupe.
Made gluten-free spaghetti for dinner. When I asked my boyfriend why he wasn’t eating it, he said, "It’s not real spaghetti. It’s an impasta.”
How do you get your boyfriend to work out?

Put his video game controller between his feet.
Boyfriend: How do you break things.

Me: "You just do it.” Boyfriend: "OK. We’re breaking up.”
As my girlfriend and I prepared for our garage sale, I came across a painting. Looking at the back, I discovered that I had written "To my beautiful girlfriend on our fifth anniversary. I love you. — Keith.”

Feeling nostalgic about a gift I’d given her 25 years earlier, I showed it to her, thinking we should rehang the picture. After gazing at my message for a few seconds, she replied, "You know, I think a black marker would cover over all that so that we could sell it.”
I was perusing the shelves at a toy store when a customer asked an employee where the video game section was. After pointing it out, the employee asked, "Is there anything specific you’re looking for?” "Yes,” said the customer. "My boyfriend.” — A.H. via