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Thracian horse

Name: Thracian Horse
Origin: Germany
Height: 160 - 165 cm
Colour: white, brown, brindle, roan
Category: Warmbloods

History of the breed Trakehner Horse

The Thracian Horse is a very old breed that originated in the region of East Prussia. Its ancestors were the hardy horses of the then settlers of the Scythians. They interbred with Mongolian and Turkmen horses and the Schweiken breed. In the 13th century, they began to be bred for cavalry and agricultural work. In the 18th century, they bred with Arabian and Turkmen horses to create the elegant carriage horse. In the early 19th century, English Thoroughbreds, Turkish, Danish and Mecklenburg horses were also used, creating a light horse suitable for under saddle In the 20th century, they became popular sport horses and won many successes, not only at the Olympic Games.

Physique of the Thracian horse breed

The head is of the Thoroughbred type, the neck is slightly arched, the shoulders strong and the shoulder blades sloping. The chest is deep, the back straight and firm. The rump is slightly sloping with a high set tail. The limbs are long, muscular with good joints and hooves. The coat is white, brown, pure or black. At the withers they grow to an average height of 160 - 165 cm.

Use of the Trakehner horse breed

The Thracian horse is a very popular sport horse today. It achieves excellent results in parkour and dressage. It has also retained its qualities as a carriage horse and can therefore be harnessed.

Nature of the breed Trakehner horse

The Thracian horse is calm, discreet, intelligent, but also courageous and energetic. They have a natural aptitude for both parkour and dressage. They are very teachable and hardy.