Sunday 08.09.2024.
Fun Encyclopedia Games


Name: Nonius
Origin: Hungary
Height: 147 - 165 cm
Colour: brownish, raven
Category: Warmbloods

History of the breed Nonius

The breed originated in the 19th century in Hungary. Its ancestor was the stallion Nonius Senior, who after the Napoleonic Wars came to the prestigious Hungarian stud in Mezöhegyes, where he worked for 22 years. There he established the Nonius strain, which had the blood of the English Thoroughbred, the Norfolk Trotter and the Norman Horse. Nonius Senior was not a particularly good stallion externally, but he did not pass on these faults to his offspring. They were later crossed with English Thoroughbreds to refine the new breed. Two lines were created: a heavier horse suitable for agricultural work and a lighter riding horse. In the 20th century, they were crossed again with Thoroughbreds and an excellent sport horse was bred.

Physique of the Nonius breed

The head is long with a straight profile, the neck is muscular, slightly arched. The shoulder blades are steep and the shoulders strong. The chest is deep, the back is long and broad. The rump is sloping and muscular with a low-set tail. The limbs are firm with good hooves. The coat is dark brown or black. At the withers they grow 147 - 165 cm.

Use of the Nonius breed

Originally a workhorse, the Nonius has become an excellent sport horse. They are also good as recreational riding horses.

Character of the Nonius breed

The Nonius is calm, hardworking and willing. It is strong, hardy with a lively, energetic temperament. He has good aptitude for jumping competitions.