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Ardennes horse

Name: Ardennes horse
Origin: France and Belgium
Height: 148 - 160 cm
Color: dark bay, brown and red white, red
Category: Cold-blooded

History of the Ardennes horse breed

It comes from the Ardennes Mountains on the French-Belgian border. The history of this breed goes back to the time of the Romans, the first mentions are from the period of the Gallic War. Older Ardennes horses were of a somewhat lighter format and were therefore also used for riding in addition to draft. They were used as hardy, hardy and energetic riding horses, for example during the French Revolution or the Napoleonic Wars. During the First World War, they proved themselves in towing cannons and heavy supply wagons. The Ardennes horse of today's type was created in the 19th century by crossing with Boulogne horses and Percherons. English thoroughbreds and Arabian horses were also involved in breeding.

Nature of the Ardennes horse breed

The body structure corresponds to the cob type. It has a strong, compact body, a well-shaped, short head, a muscular, arched neck and a powerful, round back, which is emphasized by shortening or tying the tail. Both mane and ruff are rich, slightly wavy. The legs are strong, well built with large, hard hooves. The chest is deep, the slope of the shoulder blades allows for smooth, energetic movement. The most common are red or brown whites, less often dark browns or reds. Crows and whites are undesirable. At the withers, they reach a height of 148-160 cm.

Use of the Ardennes horse breed

The original lighter horse gained a heavier body constitution by crossing with cold-blooded horses - it became a versatile, strong draft horse. His endurance made him suitable for work in demanding hilly terrains. Currently, the popularity of Ardennes horses is declining. They are hardly used in agriculture, and you can only come across a working Ardennes in Scandinavia. Contemporary horsemen use this horse in historical battle reenactments. In France, they are also kept as meat animals.

Nature of the Ardennes horse breed

Ardennes stand out for their kind, lively nature. They are calm, easy to handle and docile. Thanks to their willingness, hard work and persistence, even children can drive them.