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Bull Terrier

Name: Bull Terrier
Official name: Bull Terrier
FCI Number: 11

A medium-sized, extremely muscular and powerful dog with a deep and broad chest. It has a long, strong, ovoid head with a slightly clavate profile. His ears are thin, small and erect. His teeth have a scissor bite - the upper incisors just overlap the lower ones. His legs are straight, with strong bones and powerful thighs. The tail is short, pointed, low-set and horizontally carried.

Character of the Bull Terrier

It is a very strong and courageous dog that needs very good training and plenty of attention. Then he becomes a loyal and devoted companion who has a good relationship with people and children. It is wary of intruders and often attacks other dogs ferociously, but this can be avoided with good training.

Height of the Bulterrier breed

There is no set weight limit, but the dog must give the impression of maximum substance appropriate to its quality and sex. On average, however, they weigh between 24 and 30 kg.

The coat of the Bull Terrier breed

Short, hard, close-fitting and with a slight sheen.

Coat colour

Pure white or various colours, but coloured areas must predominate. Only blue and liver-brown colouring is undesirable.

History of the Bulterrier breed

In the 18th century, breeders wanted to get a dog suitable for dog fighting and rat retrieving for time, so they crossed bulldogs with various terriers. Then they added vipettes and English dwarf terriers to add speed and agility to the predation and strength. Around 1860 they added the blood of English White Terriers and perhaps Dalmatians and Spanish Pointers. All this resulted in a white, well-muscled dog with a narrow head and shorter legs. In the first half of the 20th century, bull terriers with different colouring were also bred, as white is often associated with genetic defects.

Advantages - why get a Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers make great companions for many owners due to their friendly and loyal nature. This breed is known for its strong personality and love for people, making it a great family dog. They are very intelligent and easy to learn, which makes training them easy. Bull Terriers are also energetic and playful, and this makes them ideal for active owners looking for a dog for a variety of sports and physical activities. They have a short and easy to maintain coat and this will be appreciated by owners who prefer a dog with minimal grooming. Overall, Bull Terriers are charismatic and fun companions and will quickly win the hearts of their families.

Disadvantages - why not get a Bull Terrier

Some of the disadvantages associated with getting a Bull Terrier include their typical stubbornness and strong-willed nature, and this can be a challenge for owners who are not consistent enough in training. Bull Terriers can be prone to dominant behavior towards other dogs and require careful socialization from a young age. They are very active dogs that need plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation - if this need is not met, they may exhibit destructive behaviour. Bull Terriers are also known for their tendency to bark excessively and this can be a problem in apartment buildings or quieter neighborhoods. In terms of health problems, Bull Terriers are prone to several genetic diseases, including skin and respiratory problems, and this should be considered in their care and food choices.

Advantages - why get a Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers make great companions for many owners due to their friendly and loyal nature. This breed is known for its strong personality and love for people, making it a great family dog. They are very intelligent and easy to learn, which makes training them easy. Bull Terriers are also energetic and playful, and this makes them ideal for active owners looking for a dog for a variety of sports and physical activities. They have a short and easy to maintain coat and this will be appreciated by owners who prefer a dog with minimal grooming. Overall, Bull Terriers are charismatic and fun companions and will quickly win the hearts of their families.

Disadvantages - why not get a Bull Terrier

Some of the disadvantages associated with getting a Bull Terrier include their typical stubbornness and strong-willed nature, and this can be a challenge for owners who are not consistent enough in training. Bull Terriers can be prone to dominant behavior towards other dogs and require careful socialization from a young age. They are very active dogs that need plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation - if this need is not met, they may exhibit destructive behaviour. Bull Terriers are also known for their tendency to bark excessively and this can be a problem in apartment buildings or quieter neighborhoods. In terms of health problems, Bull Terriers are prone to several genetic diseases, including skin and respiratory problems, and this should be considered in their care and food choices.

Bull Terrier