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Brazilian fila

Name: Brazilian fila
Official name: Fila Brasileiro
FCI Number: 225

It is a strong dog of almost square size with a broad and deep chest. The head is large and powerful and the skull and mouth are about the same length. The ears are large, V-shaped and set on the back of the skull. The legs are strong and straight. And its tail is long and set medium high.

Character of the Brazilian Fila

This dog is courageous, brave and calm. He is very devoted to his master and his family, loyal, obedient and very tolerant to children. However, he is very reserved with strangers.

Height of the Brazilian Fila

Dogs at least 50 kg. Females at least 40 kg.

Coat of the Brazilian Fila breed

Short, dense, smooth and close-fitting.

Coat colour

All colours are possible except white and mouse grey.

History of the Brazilian Fila breed

This dog appeared in the 19th century in South America and was created by crossing mastiff-type dogs, which were imported from Europe, with local dogs.

Advantages - why get a Brazilian Fila

The Brazilian Fila is known for its loyalty and devotion to its family and this makes it a great guardian and companion. It is an intelligent and studious dog that adapts well to life in larger households. Because of its calm temperament, the Brazilian Fila is usually very sweet with children and gets along well with other pets if properly socialized from a young age. Her natural instinct to protect her home and family makes this breed an excellent guardian. In addition, the Brazilian Fila has low energy requirements and is a good choice for owners with less active lifestyles.

Disadvantages - why not get a Brazilian Fila

The Brazilian Fila is a breed that requires firm and experienced leadership, as it tends to be dominant and independent. Their strong protective instincts can lead to aggression towards strangers and animals if not properly socialized and trained. This breed is also prone to territorial behaviour and this can lead to problems in the home or around other animals. The Brazilian Fila has a strong constitution and can be prone to some health problems (e.g. hip dysplasia and eye problems) and this can mean high veterinary costs. This breed also requires a lot of exercise and stimulation and can be challenging for owners with limited time or less active lifestyles.

Brazilian fila